Veterinarians - DEA Approved Safes
Protecting Animals from National Zoos to Clinics
Scripps Safe has been trusted by some of the nation’s top Zoos and animal sanctuaries to veterinarians across the country to secure controlled substances.
Animal handlers have very unique controlled substance requirements and often handle very strong doses. Scripps Safe understands the needs of animal handlers and knows your compliance requirements. Keep your staff and animals safe at all times.
Compliant Monitoring Technology
Protect your controlled substances from your central pharmacy dispensary to your fury patients. Easily manage and monitor all narcotics flow no matter the day or time and significantly reduce the threat of internal narcotics diversion.
In compliance with many State and Federal law, Scripps Safe gives you the ability to maintain constant supervisory view over your controlled substances anytime day or night.

Stay safe and compliant with Scripps Safe, your most secure system.