BioPharma, Life Sciences, R&D and Testing LABS
Get Pre-Approved for Your DEA Inspection
Scripps Safe sends you engineering and UL certification paper work to get you pre-approved before your actual DEA inspection. Scripps Safe is well recognized by the DEA and State Pharmacy Boards. Choose an industry leader who can get you pre-approved to open your doors.
Audit Capable
Only Scripps Safe offers a Walk-In Vault with full audit capability to meet your specific DEA requirements. The fact is, the DEA will audit your inventory on a regular basis and no other walk-in vault on the market was built to meet these specific requirements.
Fully Integrated
Scripps Safe walk-in vaults and safes will fully integrate with your existing technology and provide a full audit trail with remote administration capability. For example, you can manage multiple marijuana from a single administration location or even a mobile device.

DEA Compliance Experts
Only Scripps Safe works with the DEA to ensure your solutions are fully compliant.
We know DEA narcotics security. In fact, our expertise is unrivaled by anyone else. We are active members of the FBI’s infraGard Partnership for Protection, National Association of State Controlled Substances Authorities and National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators. Also, we work closely with the Department of Justice and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Meets Constant Supervision Security Requirement
Only Scripps Safe can offer covert camera surveillance with your walk in vault or safe. (patented technology) For example, your central administration office will have a real time view of anyone who how has lawful access to the marijuana walk-in vault or safe. In summary, this meets many of the State Pharmacy Board’s legal requirements for “constant supervision security”.
Compliant Monitoring Technology
Easily manage and monitor all access no matter the day or time. For this reason, significantly reduce the threat of internal diversion and remain in compliance with State and Federal law. In summary, only the Scripps Safe platform gives you the ability to maintain constant supervisory view over your marijuana at all times.
Our business is to keep you in business.
Visit our Video Surveillance System for Safes (patented)
Call Today 1-844-472-3379
Stay safe and compliant with Scripps Safe, your most secure solution.